Legal Representation & Real Estate Lawyers
Seek legal representation

If your car needs repair, you take it to a mechanic. If your teeth need attention, you visit your dentist. Likewise, when you are selling your Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, Parkland County or Edmotnon-area home, legal representation can protect your investment.
Look for a lawyer specializing in real estate transactions. He or she can protect your interests and can ensure that the numerous details of your real estate transaction are handled correctly. In short, a lawyer’s role in acting for you, the seller, is to ensure you get what you bargain for, at the agreed price, under the agreed terms.
When it comes to selling a home, a lawyer can offer the following services:
- Can act as an escrow agent to hold a down payment, binder or money deposit.
- Offer advice on offers from potential buyers. Ensure that the contract is legal, valid and that you understand the conditions of the agreement.
- Host and handle the closing.
- Evaluate financial arrangements.
- Ensure that the adjustments are properly calculated and that the purchase monies have been properly disbursed.
- Advise you on the tax and estate issues of the sale of the home.
The sale of your home is a precise and legal procedure that must be accurately completed to protect your rights and profits. Knowing how to handle all of these details means the difference of thousands of dollars in your pocket.
[See also my blog article "Questions Buyers Ask, Part 5: Legal Stuff".]